Check out what’s happening at OSP
Trinity United Presbyterian Delegation in El Salvador

On March 21, 2024, a delegation from Trinity United Presbyterian church in Indianola, Iowa, returned from a week of visiting their partner communities in El Salvador. Trinity members were joined by members of Scotch Ridge United Presbyterian church, Westminster Presbyterian church and Central Presbyterian church. Check out posts about the trip on the Trinity Facebook page and the Scotch Ridge Facebook page . Kathy Bassett's blog ( Kathy Bassett since 2016 ) has information about the trip, too. You can find links to the Facebook pages and to Kathy's and other OSP related blogs at any time on the BLOGS page. That page can be accessed by clicking on the OSP BLOGS button at the bottom of the HOME page or by going to the RESOURCES page (click the Menu icon at the top right of any page) and then looking under MORE.
Covenant Presbyterian Delegation in El Salvador
On January 27, 2024, A delegation from Covenant Presbyterian church in Des Moines, Iowa, returned from a week in El Salvador. Check out the Kathy Bassett since 2016 blog to follow their trip. You can find links to the Facebook pages and to Kathy's and other OSP related blogs at any time on the BLOGS page. That page can be accessed by clicking on the OSP BLOGS button at the bottom of the HOME page or by going to the RESOURCES page (click the Menu icon at the top right of any page) and then looking under MORE.
Also, view the posts from Jan. 21-27 on the Covenant Facebook page for pictures and info from their visit. Click here.

OSP is a Silver Star Transparent Charity
Candid's Guidestar Charity Check service has issued it's Silver Transparency rating to OSP. Click Here for details.

2024 Coffee Order Challenge
Would you like to help us make an even bigger difference in El Salvador in 2024?
We'd like to introduce the 2024 Coffee Order Challenge.
Click Here for details.
Christmas Message from the Pastoral Team

Casa pastoral de Berlín
Hermanos y hermanas de las iglesias que trabajan con casa pastoral en el trabajo por el bien común de los más necesitados reciban un grato saludo.
Que nuestros corazones sigan siendo iluminados por la estrella de Belén y bendecidos con el nacimiento del niño Jesús para que nunca falte el amor, la unión, la paz y la felicidad de cada familia.
Departe del equipo pastoral deseamos éxitos y bendiciones a cada uno de ustedes esperando que estas fechas venideras sean de prosperidad y que este otro año que nos regalara nuestro señor sea un año de bendición y éxitos en todos los nuevos proyectos.
Que Dios derrame muchas bendiciones sobre las familias y los trabajos que cada uno de ustedes realiza que sea el que de las fuerzas para todo lo nuevo que nos espera. Abrazos fuertes para todos de parte del equipo pastoral de Berlín y sus comunidades.
Berlin Pastoral House
Brothers and sisters of the churches who work with the Pastoral House in the work for the common good of those most in need; receive a pleasant greeting.
May our hearts continue to be illuminated by the star of Bethlehem and blessed with the birth of the baby Jesus so that love, unity, peace and happiness of each family will never be lacking.
On behalf of the Pastoral Team, we wish success and blessings to each of you, hoping that these upcoming days will be prosperous and that this next year our Lord will give us a year of blessing and success in all new projects.
May God shower many blessings on the families and the work that each of you do, may He be the one who gives us the strength for everything new that awaits us. Big hugs to all from the Pastoral Team of Berlin and its communities.
OSP Board Christmas Dinner
Most of the OSP Board members were able to meet at a local, Des Moines, Salvadoran restaurant for the Board's traditional, 2023 Christmas dinner gathering.

Latino Heritage Festival 2023
Iowa's Latino Heritage Festival was held September 23-24, 2023 in Des Moines' Western Gateway Park. Our Sister Parish staffed the El Salvador cultural booth. Thanks to the volunteers who set up and staffed the booth!

The Newest Don Justo Coffee With Dignity Flavor Has Arrived
A new, limited time, flavor has joined the Don Justo Coffee With Dignity lineup. Salty Caramel is now available. Click the button below to check the online store. It should soon be available at your local Don Justo Coffee With Dignity source.

Delegation Visited El Salvador
4 delegates from the Southwest Iowa Regional Partnership arrived in Berlin on Monday, January 23rd. They spent the week meeting with the residents of their Partner Community, Alejandria. Interim Co-Worker Kathy Bassett blogged during the trip, so be sure to check it out.
New LIMITED TIME Coffee Flavor is here.
In February 2023, a new flavor selection was added to the Don Justo Coffee With Dignity lineup. Chocolate Rapsberry Creme will only be available for a limited time. Click the Buy Coffee button above right or ask for it where you buy your Don Justo coffee.
Also, remeber that all Don Justo decaffeinated offerings are being discontinued and are currently on sale at a reduced price. Click the Buy Coffee button, above right.

Tropical Storm Julia hammers Berlin
Tropical Storm Julia hammers Berlin
Tropical Storm Julia hammers Berlin
The rain started around 5 pm on October 10, 2022. The Berlin area was one of the hardest hit areas in El Salvador, receiving well over a foot of rain in just a few hours. As of Oct. 11 it is not possible to travel to ANY of the cantons that OSP works with. Besides roads becoming unpassable, houses were damaged, phone service, electricity and water were cut off, and crops were severely damaged.
Click the button below to help those who lost much in the storm. All donations will be used by the Pastoral Team to provide disaster relief for those directly affected by the storm.

OSP Is Once Again Sending Delegations to El Salvador!
The first OSP delegation since February 2020 landed in San Salvador on June 27, 2022, and returned to Des Moines on July 5th. Trinity United Presbyterian in Indianola, Iowa, sent 10 people to reunite with the Pastoral Team and their friends in their Partner Communities of Casa de Zinc and Casa de Zacate. More details on their visit can be found in Kathy Bassett's blog.

Seeking Mission
Our Sister Parish is seeking a full-time designated mission Co-Worker to live in El Salvador. To apply please send a resume, cover letter, and three references with contact information to
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please direct all questions to as well.