Other Projects
In addition to large-scale projects, The Pastoral Team assists the people in a variety of smaller works.
Funeral Support
Accompaniment of the family
Food Relief
During drought years, or if the winds/weather ruin crops, partnerships provide a food basket with many of the basic food/hygiene items needed
Supported financially and technically with several slow drip irrigation garden projects
Catastrophe Relief
For example: if a family’s house burns down; the Pastoral Team helps to replace household items as well as provides emotional support
When a community is cut off from town due to flooding or landslides, the Pastoral Team has provided food relief
Financial support for needed medicines, special exams, or transportation to a hospital
Accompaniment of the family
Community Development
Bi-monthly meetings with community leadership; if a problem occurs in a community, they support each other with solution ideas.
When asked, the Pastoral Team will work with Directivas to support their efforts
The Pastoral Team has supported financially as well as logistically with the creation of formal Directivas which is a vital step for a community to be able to solicit any project or support from any NGO or governmental agency
Municipal Support
Purchased gas for the town’s ambulance
Provided transport to hospitals when the ambulance was not able
Provided support for the local Catholic Church for their food pantry
Provided funds to a community for road repair or retention wall creation/repair